What do you need to focus on the most with your front crawl technique?

What do you need to focus on the most with your front crawl technique?
So you've trained and raced all summer so far, swam in the lakes and done more swimming than the rest of the year so far, achieved your goals and aspirations, and maybe exceeded them!
You've no doubt found that when you swim harder or longer your technique can start to drift, and faults come back into play...
Now what are you going to do with all this extra gained fitness, motivation and hope for your 2020 swimming?
Let it all go to waste and stop swimming over the autumn and winter months?
This is what happens physiologically when you stop exercising for 3 weeks:

We hope not!
Book yourself a swim video analysis session in the endless pool with 4 video cameras simulataneously recording you swimming.
Or join our fitness and technique swim squad on Tuesdays from 8.30 - 9.30pm! The next 4 weeks will be about breaking the swim stroke down into manageable components, working on drills and stroke corrections and putting it back together so its smoother and more efficient.
Sign up here for a trial place, 10 week introductory offer or monthly subscription
Fitness and Technique front crawl squad at Aldershot 50 metre indoor pool https://www.speedyswimming.co.uk/squad-training-sessions
We offer the following swim coaching services:
Private swim lessons at Guildford Lido on Saturday mornings in October. https://www.speedyswimming.co.uk/swim-lessons
Swim video analysis lessons in an Endless Pool in Chertsey, Surrey, KT16 9NH. https://www.speedyswimming.co.uk/swimvideoanalysis
Personalised coaching https://www.speedyswimming.co.uk/personalisedcoaching
Endurance Training Plans https://www.speedyswimming.co.uk/endurancetrainingplans
Contact Nick for more information on speedyswimming@gmail.com or 07958635142
Nick is a level 3 British Triathlon coach, Training Peaks level 1 coach, Training Bible coaching master endurance coach. He is also an STA level 2 Swim Teacher, Open water coach and was one of the key coaches who helped re design the STA Open Water Course manual, focusing on the sea swimming section in particular.