Step into the future of Triathlon coaching with Tridot AI Augmented intelligent triathlon training
Step into the future of Triathlon coaching with Tridot AI Augmented intelligent triathlon training plans - 2 week free trial!!
I’m so excited to share that our Speedy Swimming Triathlon Coaching team has been accepted into the TriDot Coaching Community, and I’ll be transitioning to TriDot as my coaching platform starting from 2nd June 2023.

This is the same platform that Mark Allen (6x IRONMAN World Champion) and Michellie Jones (Olympic Silver Medalist and IRONMAN World Champion) use to coach their athletes along with numerous of other elite coaches.
Here’s what this means for us:
· Same great coach! Coached or uncoached plans available
· We can leverage the world’s most advanced coaching and training technology.
· You choose which plan you go on and if coached or self coached using Tridots optimised training algorithms and AI intelligence
· VIP athlete onboarding – our team will get liveorientation and setup assistance. It’s a one-time simple process.
· Huge triathlete and coach community – 700+5-Star Google Reviews, 12,000+ member Facebook Group, and the #1 Triathlon Podcast in Apple’s Health and Fitness Category
TriDot users improve an average of 3.2x more than non-users and experience performance improvements in 30% less training time.
Receive a fully optimised AI driven Training Program for IRONMAN, 70.3 IRONMAN, STANDARD and Sprint distance triathlons as a non coached athlete from as little as £14.99 per month, individualised to you AND specific to your actual event in terms of location, thresholds, elevation, temperature and humidity. There is also Rundot now - a specific run coaching platform using the same technology
I’m still blown away by the technology behind the Tridot training platform everyday since hearing about, its such a shift in training and coaching, you’ll be amazed and impressed I’ve no doubt!
Please help me out by using the link below to set up your account. This will automatically link your account to my coach portal and start syncing your training data!
Set Up Your Account:
TriDot 101 VIP Orientation Session
The one-time transition process is short and simple. Please use the link below to register for one of the live VIP Orientation Sessions for my team. I’ll be on there with you! If you can’t make one of these times, please just let me know.
TriDot 101:Orientation - Cindy Reeves
When booking keep in mind that you will want to be in front of your computer so you can view my shared screen or have the DialPad Conference app. If you are unable to join a session you can email support
TriDot 201: Beyond the Basics - Cindy Reeves
You will want to be in front of your computer to join DialPad and view my shared screen or you can get the DialPad app. But you are always welcome to follow along if you can only call in.
I’m so excited about taking this quantum leap forward for you!
Tridot AI-based - optimising your triathlon training
Transforms your raw training data into actionable data relative to your age, environment, and genetics
Optimizes your training program using predictive analytics to deliver your best results in less time
Measures and guides your training execution to help you stay on track and do the right training right
MEASURES AND MOTIVATES FOR GREATER PERFORMANCE TriDot’s TrainX® score exists to encourage you to “Do the Right Training Right.” By closely executing the workout assigned to you, you will achieve a TrainX® Score closer to 100. Consistently earning scores between 70 and 100 will earn you the greatest fitness gains. TriDot’s nSight engine prescribes the “Right Training” and TrainX gives you the feedback you need to do that training right. TRAINING OPTIMIZED USING BIG DATA TriDot’s optimization engine is the core technology that drives its patents-pending performance optimization. Leveraging big data insights from more than 15 years’ of training and race data, TriDot’s proprietary algorithms use predictive analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to generate optimized triathlon training. Optimized Training™ delivers your best results in less time. ACCURATELY MEASURES TRAINING STRESS Normalized Training Stress™ (NTS™) is the consummate method of quantifying the physiological stress from a training session. It considers the session’s discipline type, environment, intensity distribution, intensity levels, intensity durations, and your Training Stress Profile™ (your ability to absorb training stress). 1. Stress Metrics 2. Normalized Training Stress (NTS)
3. Residual Training Stress (RTS)
4. Normalized Training Load (NTL)
5. Performance Readiness
The first step in reaching your genetic potential is knowing what your genetic potential is. Physiogenomix™leverages TriDot’s optimization engine to offer unparalleled training optimization based on your genetic profile.
It analyzes your genome to measure your Training Intensity Response, Aerobic Potential, Recovery Rate, and Injury Predisposition and optimizes your training accordingly.
Learn more here:
The environment in which you train and compete dramatically impacts your ability to perform. Environment Normalization makes data-driven adjustments toyour training and race pace prescriptions to account for these environmental elements:
What is Environorm?
· Temperature
· Humidity
· Wind
· Elevation
· Elevation Gain
Training and Racing with EnviroNorm®
TriDot uses EnviroNorm to adjust your prescribed paces to account for weather and terrain so that your intensity recommendations are always spot on. When training, you will therefore prompt the perfect level of training stress to maximize adaptations. When racing, you will be prescribed paces that are the optimal paces for you given the set of conditions you will face on race day.
Training without EnviroNorm®
If your run FTP was 7:30 per mile and you were prescribed a 30-minute run session at a 7:55 per mile pace on a cool morning at 55° F and 40% humidity it would be a completely different training experience than if you performed this same session in the afternoon or on a warmer day at 90° F and 80% humidity. The morning session might be prescribed perfectly and effectively drive the desired training adaptations while the same session done in the afternoon might not even be achievable, or would cause significantly more training stress and injury risk than desired.
TriDot Scores are performance ability measures for each discipline fortriathletes. Your SwimDot, BikeDot, and RunDotScores reflect your normalized functional threshold power or pace (FTP) on a 1 to 100 scale with 1 being the slowest and 100 being at or near world-record pace. TriDot Scores allow you to see your relative strength across disciplines,including on an “equalized” basis that normalizes for age and gender.
Sign up and Set Up Your Tridot Account:
TriDot’s optimization engine is the core technology that drives its patents-pending performance optimization. Leveraging big data insights from more than 15 years’ of training and race data, TriDot’s proprietary algorithms use predictive analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to generate optimized triathlon training. Optimized Training™ delivers your best results in less time.
Learn more about optimised training
This is such a break through for you as your sessions will be adjusted and adapted on the fly as you train after each session as Tridots augmented AI software and machine learning learns what is best for you!
How does it work?
TriDot is a heavily researched artificial intelligence system 18 years in the making and about 10 years ahead of anything else on the market. This is the biggest shift in coaching since the birth of the internet. Think about the difference between video tapes and netflix on line live streaming films and TV programmes, or the Halidron collider in CERn Switzerland harnessing the energy of a Star from anti-matter. Its that much of a paradign shift and game changer in the world of triathlon coaching and training
How and what does it do?
So for example, you miss a session, or don’t quite complete the set number of intervals at a certain level or zone in your plan, then Tridot will adjust the following sessions based on its machine learning about how you train best!
Tridot is the only data driven AI based augmented and predictive forward looking fitness coaching platform! Nothing else even comes close! We want to help you to take full advantage of this opportunity and to revolutionise your triathlon training.
