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Join our WEEKLY swim bands core fit zoom training classes and Speedy Swim club!

Join our WEEKLY swim bands core fit zoom training classes and Speedy Swim club for online front crawl dryland training!

Are you needing some swim fitness training to get you ready for when pools and lakes open in the next few weeks?

Using swim bands can reap dividends with your training. We are expecting reductions in stroke count, better stamina, improved pacing control and being able to maintain better technique for longer! Interested?

We are working through a base training phase, focusing on short intervals with swim bands, and technique, lots of core strength exercises with plenty of variation, and boxercise for cardio currently.

Join our speedy swim squad for a weekly front crawl specific core strength class on zoom on Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm for triathletes, masters swimmers and open water swimmers!

  • Swim bands technique training for front crawl - EVF, PPP, Diamond, Rope pull

  • Learn how to use swim bands for interval training sets with lots of variety

  • Cardio training including Boxercise to build in lactate threshold training

  • Core and bodyweight exercises for strength endurance

Interested? Intrigued, and want to find out out more? Recap Functional training for swimming and triathlon, swim bands training and technique, cardio fitness, core strength, boxercise, motivation, encouragement, and technique training for front crawl swimming. Triathletes, masters and open water swimmers. Tuesdays 730pm Zoom

Want to grab a free swim bands technique and fitness ebook, click here:

For more info and how to sign up click this link!


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