Do you want to learn how to have better pacing and efficiency, reduce drag, become more streamlined?
Join our Tuesday evening Intermediate level Speedy Swim Squad at Aldershot Garrison 50 metre indoor pool !
Learn how to add more speed, power and stamina to your front crawl! Improve your technique, Pacing, reduce your stroke count by up to 10%, and your stroke efficiency (SWOLF score)
Transform your front crawl swimming with our results-based Squad Technique Group at Aldershot GArrison 50 metre pool on Tuesdays at 8.30pm to join during February 2023!
ONLY 2 PLACES LEFT! Sign up fast below.
You’ll benefit from improving the following aspects of your front crawl swimming:
Participants will improve their stamina, endurance, speed and technique for front crawl
Learn new tips and techniques in each session
Reduce stroke count by up to 10%
Better pacing control and awareness from structured swim sessions
Understand interval training and rest periods for maximum results
Group sessions can really help when it comes to staying motivated to achieve your fitness goals
The team dynamic will have you truly trying your best, which means you'll get more out of the experience, get fitter faster and reach new Pb’s
Training Peaks account to track and log swim sessions
Above all, you'll have great fun!
Book now to avoid disappointment! 10 week blocks available. Entry to the pool is included in the price!