Join our Fitness and Technique weekly squad sessions Tuesdays 8.30 - 9.30pm

Would you love to learn how to swim with an effortless front crawl technique in 2019 / 2020?
Speedy Swimming are offering 10% off your first 10 Squad sessions, held at Aldershot indoor Olympic 50 metre pool on Tuesdays at 8.30pm. 1 hour sessions.
This friendly swim squad provides structured weekly swim sessions focussing on fitness and front crawl technique for Triathletes, Open Water and Master's swimmers.
Recently we have been using the tempo trainer for improving pacing awareness and control with excellent results! We have seen improvements across all distances, for example:
60 seconds faster in 3 months over 1km
1:40 seconds faster over 1km
2.5 minutes faster over 1km
28 minutes faster over the Thames marathon 14km swim in Henley.
Less pacing drop off over intervals over 400 metres
Threshold pacing improvements with reductions of between 3 to 18 seconds over 100m as an average
Stroke rate improvements resulting in better planing and consistent stroke speed
Stroke count reductions up to 8-10 strokes over 50 metres
Pacing improvements all round with less drifting of swim times per 100 metres
New personal bests in 400m and 1km during swim sessions
Increased distance per stroke
Better swolf scores for swim efficiency
Squad members have been swimming in multiple different events this summer ranging from:
3km lake swim time trials
5km River Adur swim
Blackpool pier to pier swim
Ironman Copenhagen
Ironman Vichy
Guildford Triathlon
Sprint and olympic distance triathlons
Phoenix aquathlon series at Guildford Lido
Thames 14km marathon
Breca swim run in the lake district
Over the last few weeks we have been focusing on an intensive period of technique, breaking the front crawl stroke into manageable chunks, and putting it back together with much better swim efficiency. We'll also be focusing on maintaining a solid and even stroke count over interval distances to build on distance per stroke sets from 2-500m whilst maintaining your technique.
Sessions over the winter have one primary goal as we move into a base aerobic phase of training, and that is to develop your fundamental technique skills. We'll be focusing on reducing drag and resistance, whilst increasing streamlining and propulsion in the water.
You will be aiming to see an improvement in these key swimming metrics...
a) your Average Stroke count and stroke rate will improve
b) your Swolf Scores will reduce, as you techique changes and gets better
c) you will develop better Pace Control and awareness
d) your body position and kicking will improve from less drag and resistance
e) your personal pacing zones will improve using the pace clock or tempo trainer
Reasons for base aerobic training over the winter months
Physiological adaptations from training aerobically
Zone 1 Improvements: Up to 65% max heart rate
· Lung capacity and breathing frequency
· Stroke volume of heart increases
· Cardiac output increases
· Heart size increases
· Plasma volume expands
· Blood flow distribution (shunting)
· Heart rate decreases (average)
· Inspiratory muscle oxygen cost reduced
· Systolic blood pressure reduced
· Capillary density increased
· Fuel use (favours fat metabolism)
· Mitochondrial size and number
· Muscle fibre type shifts to type 1
· Increase in muscle fibre cross sectional area. Plasma free fatty acid use increases as duration increases
Zone 2 : 65 – 70% Max hr
· There is a greater reliance on the use of carbohydrate as a fuel
· Development of aerobic capacity in zone II fibres
· Ability to balance lactate production and removal (by processing in non active muscles)
How do you know if this Fitness and Technique squad is right for you?
If you can swim 6x100m front crawl at a pace of 1:30 - 2:15 consistently per 100 metres on 30 seconds rest, or a 400m time trial in 6-9 minutes pace per 100 metres, then this swim group is perfect for you!
Examples of the types of swim sessions and technique drills we will ask you to do include:
Drills to improve your streamlining and reduce your resistance in the water
Swimming faster without a loss of technique
Improving your feel for the water with an enhanced catch and pull phase
Improved kicking technique
A higher body position
Improved stroke rate and rotation
Achieving a more balanced swim stroke
We also organise regular T paced threshold based swim fitness tests (optional) for you to assess your performance and tracks your improvements.
We have a couple of places available for our Fitness and Technique Squad Sessions at Aldershot 50 metre indoor pool weekly on Tuesdays from 8.30 - 9.30pm.
Sign up for our 10 week introductory offer here (Please email or call Nick before registering to check your swim pacing and availability of places on 07958635142 on
Discount code is "Speedyswim10"
If you have a swim technique problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire the Speedy Swimming Team!
Get in touch by giving us a call on 07958635142 or email us at
We offer
1. Front crawl coaching to a levels of swimmers, held at Guildford Lido in Surrey in the summer:
2. Front crawl video analysis lessons in an endless pool at Tribal in Chertsey:
3. Fitness and Technique squads for intermediates, held at Aldershot 50m indoor pool:
4. Online training plans for swimming and triathlons:
Copyright © Speedy Swimming
Nick is a level 3 British Triathlon Coach, STA Level 2 swim teacher, Open water coach, Level 1 Training Peaks coach, and Training Bible coaching Master endurance coach with 25 years’ experience in triathlon, founder and Head Coach for Speedy Swimming.
We only have a few places left on our next schedule of squad sessions, sign up today before they all go! More info below:
Early booking is advised to secure your place.
Book now to avoid disappointment:
Or you can sign up to our squad sessions with a £46 monthly subscription here:
Head coach Nick de Meyer
Any question please email Nick at
British Triathlon Level 3 coach
STA Level 2 Swim Teacher
Training peaks level 1 coach
Training bible coaching UK Master endurance coach
Former head coach Phoenix triathlon club in Guildford
Former British triathlon SE regional development coach
Level 3 personal trainer