Book your Speedy Swimming Christmas gifts before 19th November 2017 to receive 10% off!

Book your Speedy Swimming Christmas gifts before 19th November 2017 to receive 10% off!
Apply voucher code at checkout: XMASSS2017.

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I've attached a list of goals for improving our aerobic engine or base building fitness over the winter for you. This I find helps keep us in touch with short term swim "process" goals over the winter, instead of focusing on a "goal" months away.
"Winter swim miles equal summer smiles"
Reasons for base aerobic training over the winter months
Lung capacity and breathing frequency
Stroke volume of heart increases
Cardiac output increases
Heart size increases
Plasma volume expands
Blood flow distribution (shunting)
Heart rate decreases (average)
Inspiratory muscle oxygen cost reduced
Systolic blood pressure reduced
Capillary density increased
Fuel use (favours fat metabolism)
Mitochondrial size and number
Muscle fibre type shifts to type 1
Increase in muscle fibre cross sectional area.
Plasma free fatty acid use increases as duration increases
Kind regards

Head Coach
Speedy Swimming
Level 3 British Triathlon Coach, Training Bible Master Endurance coach, and Training Peaks level 1 coach as well as a level 3 Personal Trainer.
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