Online Freestyle Stroke Analysis for Triathletes, Masters and Open Water Swimmers!
Would you love to learn how to swim faster with a full critique of your stroke, including stroke correction recommendations tailored just for you?!
Upload one or more clips of your swimming to YouTube or Vimeo (see below for tips on how to share your video just with us), and then send us a link to the clip so we can critique it and provide you with stroke corrections.
Get a complete front crawl online stroke and technique video analysis now!
Here’s what to do:
Take a video of your swimming with a phone/camera above the water, or gopro below the water and upload it to YouTube or Vimeo,
The best positioning for your video analysis are in the following 4 camera view points with up to 60 second videos in each view:
1. Front view above water - 1-2 feet underwater 2. Front view under water - close to the surface 3. Side view above - close to the surface 4. Side view below - 2-3 feet below the surface
What you'll receive:
• Swim video Stroke analysis • Personalised swim drills • Sample swim session to add your technique drills into • Feedback and swim stroke analysis
For more info and how to book click below: