Why should you swim front crawl with an Early Vertical Forearm position and what does it help with?
Why should you swim front crawl with an Early Vertical Forearm position for front crawl and what does it help with? Swimming front crawl...

6 Top tips to improve your Front Crawl Catch phase
6 Top tips to improve your Front Crawl Catch phase

How do you push more water behind you and swim faster with less effort?
How do you push more water behind you and swim faster with less effort

How do you increase your awareness for front crawl in the underwater phases!?
How do you increase your awareness for front crawl in the underwater phases?

Do you want to increase your distance per stroke and learn how to use a high and earlier vertical fo
Do you want to increase your distance per stroke for front crawl?

Ever wondered how to improve your front crawl out of the water?
Using swim bands for focusing on improving your swim strength and catch phase bio mechanics can really help you achieve an Early Vertical Fo

How to improve your catch, feel for the water, hand entry and rotation all in one front crawl drill?
How to improve your catch, feel for the water, hand entry and rotation

Do you want to increase your distance per stroke to push more water behind you, enhance your feel fo
Then the way to do this is to focus on achieving a high and early vertical forearm (EVF) position for front crawl.

Fists drill to improve your feel for the water for front crawl
How? Make a fist and use your forearm to gain a purchase on the water. There is still a gradual catch, which should be performed slower...

How are you getting on with your swimming technique & training in the winter months?
How are you getting on with your swimming technique and base building work over the winter months? We have a couple of solutions which...